It appears that a UCLA study shows, friendships between women, something special. Our chaotic inner world can be reassured, lack emotional needs may be concluded in our marriage and friendships with other women can help us in many other things.
It seems that when women hang out together, this can meet the daily stress that we feel in everyday life. UCLA study suggests that women react with a variety of chemicals in the brain to stress thatIn fact, the cause of women not only to make friends with other women, but also receive.
Until this study came to light was the belief that when people stress, a cascade of hormones in the body that the body is made nor to stand up and fight, run or triggered experts. Now it seems that women have a much larger behavioral repertoire than just fight or flight mechanism. Now it seems that when the hormone oxytocin is released in a woman because ofthe stress response, which mitigates the fight or flight response and encourages her to take care of their children and with other women, instead of taking.
Having friendships with other women may explain why women live longer than men. Some studies have also found that social ties reduce the risk of disease, reducing heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. There is no doubt that, while maintaining friendships and help women live longer. Studies found that people who die without friends increased their chance of having a period of 6 months.
Women who interact with other women to improve their quality of life. One study found that there were women who had friends more or less likely to develop physical disability in aging. Women who have found great friendships had life even more fun to drive. These results were very significant, the researchers concluded that ifWomen> has no close friends or confidants, and then it was as harmful to health as smoking or obesity.
It was also found that women who were able to close friendship with a spouse dies much better than women who had no friends a lot.
When friends have with other women, the counters of stress in our lives, keeps us healthy and adds years to spend in our lives, why is it so hard, the time to meet with them? This isQuestion that puzzles researchers. It seems that every time the females becoming too busy with family and work, the first thing to do is put aside, their friendships. They are placed on mute. This is a big mistake, because women are a source of strength for each other. They feed each other. Women need space, without pressure, if they can talk openly about other women. It is an experience completely healthy.
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