Saturday, November 24, 2012

Prison Wives: The Forgotten Women In Our community

Having a husband in prison is a stigma in our society. any way it is possible to cope and get straight through this difficult time in your life. Let me help you along the way and give you a few tips.

I myself am a "Prison Wife." My husband has been in the prison principles for the past 22 months. He was first in a minimum safety unit, a place called "The Farm, " with open doors, and no barbed wire. Now, he is in a half-way house, hoping to come back home the summer of 2005.

Womens Health Magazine

The "Prison Wife" is the forgotten one, as she waits at home for her husband. Our community takes care of the sick, the dyimg, the homeless, but the prisoner's wife is alone and forgotten.

Prison Wives: The Forgotten Women In Our community

She is faced with insurmountable,emotional, psychological, social, stigmatization, health problems to face alone, children to take care of. She keeps the household "together," until her husband comes home. She works, pays the bills, pays the mortgage or rent, the car payments, insurances. She takes care of the children, repairs for the house, and just about everything else under the sun. Holidays and birthdays come and go. She is alone and lonely, most often faced with depression.
Most find it difficult to even face someone else day. She lives in hiding because she is afraid the neighbors may find out. So she lies and says he is on a "business" trip, to safe herself...after all, the neighbors would be shocked to know a criminal's wife lives next door to them. And, what does she tell the children? No one wants to let their child play with a criminal's child.

When her husband leaves for prison, the wife goes straight through a duration of "grieving." She goes straight through the same "grieving process" that a widow goes through. The only divergence is that the widow can ultimately move on, while the prison wife cannot. The Prison Wife is a "wife," without a husband. She cannot go out and socialize, and it is difficult to make new friends, as she feels she is being "unfaithful" to her husband.

After a safe bet number of time (months or even years), it is proper in our socity for the widow to step out, and start dating and even re-marry. The Prison Wife who is faithful and dedicated to her husband does not have this option....some women wait years for their man to return...10 , even 20 or more years.

There are close to 2 million prisoners in our country....that makes me wonder just how many wives and loved ones are left behind and forgotten. We think about the prisoner, but never, ever, think about those left behind.....the wives, the children, the mothers, the girlfriends, to name a few. Those loved ones, who did not commit a crime, except the crime of "loving a criminal." They did not commit a crime, and yet they are punished.

When their husband goes to prison, they are not notified by the prison principles where their husbamnd is. I believe there should be some proclamation principles in this country. The wife must sit and wait, until her husband is able to place a acquire call to her.

There should be hold systems in this country for prison wives. There should be follow-up programs for families of the incarcerated, to see how they are coping.

I will now give you some tips on how to get straight through this duration of your life. It is from my own personal experience, and I hope it can help you...........after all, just remember, you are not alone..........there are so many of us out there experiencing the same feelings and emotions...the same problems.

"Ways To Cope"

1. Take one day at a time........Do not think too far in advance. Try to get "through one more day."

2. Plan small projects for each day, and try to reach a goal. For instance, I put all our photos in photo albums, during the first few weeks of my husband's incarceration. When that task was complete, I started cleaning out drawers and closets.

3. originate tour life............I re-organized bills and mail, using folders and envelopes, and I kept logs, writing everything down.

4. Keep pictures of your husband around the house....I had pictures in every room. I even had one posted on the refrigerator door.

5. Join a church group. I started baking cakes for the monthly cake sale. I enjoyed doing it, and felt I was contributing something to society.

6. Get involved...acquire hobbies. Knitting, needle-point, gardening, writing, retention a diary....anything. Just do something, even if you force yourself to do it. As time goes on, it will get easier, and you will begin to enjoy it. I planted an "Angel Garden," surface in the yard, with angel statues, and flowers. I also began writing poetry, stories and letters to the editor. I also began writing a journal, which became a very leading part of my life.

7. Keep in close sense with your husband....Accept phone calls (if you can afford it, as prison phone calls are very expensive), send your husband letters, cards,magazine and newspaper clippings, and computer print-outs of thingd that interest him. Send him pictures (old and new)...Men in prison love to look at pictures from home. It helps them from becoming homesick. My husband has roughly 100 pictures that he keeps in photo albums, and loves to share with the inmates, and show them our house and home. If I change something around in the household,or buy anything new, iI take a photo and send it to him, so he always feels linked to our home. I also take pictures of the pets, the garden, and the cars.

8. Keep a notebook near the phone at all times. Jot down things you want to discuss with your husband when he calls. Remember, those are 15 slight calls, and there is a lot to say in a short duration of time, so get organized beforehand.

9. Cry when you have to, but also try to stay focused. Do not be torn apart by the prison system. You are still a person, and a wife...and you need to be supportive to your husband.

10. Try to stay healthy. Eat right, avoid junk food and alcohol. Exercise. Try walking. After all, you want to be physically fit when your husband comes home!

I hope this report will be of some help to the wives and loved ones of prisoners, as they await their loved one while he is in prison.

Prison Wives: The Forgotten Women In Our community

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Friday, November 23, 2012

10 health Benefits of Black Tea

Black Tea is made from the same plant as green tea and white tea.  Black tea doesn't mean tea without milk, and white tea doesn't mean tea with milk.  The variation is the way the tea leaves are processed after picking.  Green and white teas are hardly processed at all, whereas black tea is fully oxidized.

Here are 10 health benefits of drinking black tea:


1. Studies continue to show that tea is very good for you, and has some breathtaking health properties that cannot be ignored.

10 health Benefits of Black Tea

2. Black teas consist of antioxidants which preclude the damage caused by free radicals which can lead to numerous diseases.

3. Drinking black teas can help to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it helps to expand the arteries, which increases blood flow to the heart. 

4. Research has shown the black tea can be used in the fight against cancer.  Properties of the tea slow down the growth of cancerous cells without destroying healthy cells.

5. Tea is also believed to help to delay the aging process.  Nowadays there are many anti aging creams and lotions that consist of tea extracts to help the skin look younger.

6. Drinking black tea can help to burn fat and speed up metabolism.  This makes it an ideal drink for those who are looking to lose weight, or who practice regularly.

7. Drinking tea such as black and green tea helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol

8. Tea contains fluoride, which can help to preclude tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel.

9. For those population with diabetes, drinking tea can help to decrease glucose levels, which can reduce the risk of cataracts, and other conditions brought about by diabetes.

10. Investigations have shown that the benefits of black tea are lessened when milk is added.   So, in order to take advantage of the breathtaking health benefits of this tea, it's recommended that you don't take your tea with milk or sugar.

There are so many separate loose teas to pick from that you won't get bored. As well as black, why not try white and green tea? Many population don't make these sorts of teas properly, which is why some population don't like loose tea.  By using a tea machine, you can ensure that you are getting the water climatic characteristic and the steeping time right, you can be reassured that you are getting the health benefits of black tea.  

Drinking just 3-5 cups of black tea daily can bring about all these health benefits.  If you drink tea already, why not convert to black or green tea, and see if that improves your health and well being.   By beginning to drink black, green or white tea today, eating healthily, and getting regular exercise, you can dramatically reduce the risks of serious healing conditions. If you're not currently a tea drinker, what are you waiting for?

10 health Benefits of Black Tea

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Causes of Dog health Problems Bloody Stool Issues

Melena is the estimate one cause of dog health problems bloody stool issues. Melena and hematochezia cause the dog to have bloody stool. Melena is blood that the dog digested, and looks dark in color. Hematochezia is carefully fresh blood in the stool and is carefully minor compared to melena. Many health reasons supervene in a bloody stool and most tests by a veterinarian will confirm the problem.

This health problem causes a lack of power and sometimes incontinence, as accidents happen due to the inability to move outdoors quickly. By restricting food, the dog will at last stop the diarrhea and give the intestines time to heal. If the diarrhea results from infection or parasite, the problem will persist until proper curative is received. This health affects all sizes and breeds of dogs no matter what you do to forestall it.


Causes of Dog health Problems Bloody Stool Issues

Causes of Dog health Problems Bloody Stool Issues

Medications, infections, cancer and foreign objects digested by the dog. A metabolic disorder or hemorrhagic gastro enteritis may cause a dog to have a bloody stool. Some heavy metal or blood ingestion and gastrointetestinal ischemia are all causes of melena in dogs. Metabolic diseases cause ulcers of the stomach or intestines and can supervene from many separate causes. If your dog health problems bloody stool issues arise with such signs as pale gums, frequent urination and thirst, lack of appetite and weight loss are all signs of problems along with dark black stools.

If the dog continues to have diarrhea for more than twenty-four hours, curative rehabilitation is required. The first thing you can try is a bland diet of rice and potato instead of their quarterly food. This may help, but in case it does not, you may need to have a veterinarian determine the cause.

Diagnosis and rehabilitation of Dog Melena

When you observation black or dark colored stools, you need to palpate the vet for further tests. These tests will contain urinalysis, a biochemical work up, stool sample diagnosis, blood work up, ultrasound and chest/abdominal x-rays. After these tests are concluded, the vet will determine the exact cause of the dog health problems bloody stool issues and discuss rehabilitation with you.

If the dog does not have a severe health condition, they may be treated at home instead of an overnight stay at an animal clinic. A extra diet of a bland diet that is specified by the vet and any medications prescribed by the veterinarian need to be dealt with at home in order to treat the dog health problem bloody stool issues. In most cases, medications are needed to block stomach acids and coat the intestines. If you do not see any improvement, you need to palpate the vet for further treatments. .

Get rehabilitation for your dog if this problem persists and stick to a literal, diet and medication program for proper rehabilitation of a sick dog. The dog will need fullness of rest and a calm environment in order to heal and come back to health.

Causes of Dog health Problems Bloody Stool Issues

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Prostate Milking - health Danger or the greatest Male Orgasm?

Looking to growth your male orgasm intensity by 400% and have it last up to 5 minutes? If so, then prostate milking may be for you.

Prostate milking has in fact "exploded" into mainstream culture in the last few years as men are discovering the satisfaction of looking out about their "male g-spot" and the potential condition benefits from a prostate milking.


The prostate is a tiny gland found in men and is a requisite part of their reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and is settled underneath the bladder and just in front of the rectum. Its function is to help in the manu­facture of semen. Semen is the milky colored fluid that transports sperm from the testicles through your penis when you ejaculate.

Prostate Milking - health Danger or the greatest Male Orgasm?

While the prostate's customary function is to help in the manufacturing of semen, it is also becoming known as a sexual gland for men. Typically we join together the penis as the only male sex organ but for many men the prostate is their key to sexual satisfaction. Not surprising, the prostate is swiftly becoming know as the "male g-spot". Men of all ages, races and sexual orientations are now studying about the sexual and condition benefits related with prostate milking.

Milking of the prostate gland is commonly safe for all wholesome males, however serious condition dangers can corollary in men with sure prostate and condition conditions or even in men with wholesome prostates if the prostate milking is performed incorrectly.

This procedure be carried out by your physician or healing practitioner as an efficient rehabilitation for lasting prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (Bph). This procedure can help to drain the highly painful build up of seminal fluid in men with a chronically inflamed prostate. While useful for some individuals,prostate milking it is Not advisable for men with acute prostatitis as a prostate milking may for allow the prostate infection to spread to other parts of the body.

Other potential serious condition dangers from male milking could be Fournier's gangrene, blood poisoning,the exchange of prostate cancer to other parts of the body or hemorrhoidal flare up.

One of the most foremost area's of concern in doing a prostate massage yourself is to apply a minimum number of pressure. The maximum number of pressure you should apply would be equal to the number of pressure you would rub your eye with. Applying to much pressure during the milking could lead to some of the above mentioned condition dangers.

If the prostate is full of fluid and stimulated through this feel it may cause you to ejaculate but with out the penis being aroused. These prostate orgasms are commonly much more intense and of considerably longer period than a approved ejaculation.

If you have any concerns about this type of action make sure to consult your physician or healing practitioner before proceeding.

Prostate Milking - health Danger or the greatest Male Orgasm?

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Look Like a Male Fitness Model and Attract Women

The Male Fitness Model...More absorbing To Women Than The Bodybuilder Look

Bodybuilders are such a touchy bunch. There are probably a incorporate of guys experiencing "roid rage" right now! I know that most bulky guys look at male fitness models and think that they are wimpy. You see many bodybuilders are under the impression that everyone wants to be as big and strong as them. They see a guy who is lifting lighter weights and doing cardio as person who isn't as thriving in the gym as them. They mistakenly believe that bigger muscles equates to being more absorbing to women. Nothing could be added from the truth!

Womens Health Magazine

Male Fitness Models Are Built Like Hollywood Sex Symbols

How to Look Like a Male Fitness Model and Attract Women

How many male sex symbols are huge and buff? Do you think any of the current Hollywood sex symbols can bench press over 400 pounds? What about stars like Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, Jamie Fox, Will Smith, Jared Leto, Daniel Craig (the new James Bond), etc. Women are attracted to men with average builds, but with great muscle tone. How many men who star in Soap Operas are huge and buff? The reply is that with very rare exceptions, it pays to have a lean muscle build...not a bulky bodybuilder type look.

Male Fitness Models Have To Workout Harder Than Bodybuilders

Lifting weights and bulking up is Much easier than burning body fat and getting lean. I don't care how big you know it's true! To get big, you just lift with a high volume of lifts and progressively increase the weight over time. You don't have to be on a exact diet and you don't have to hit cardio hard. To get lean, you have to lift to articulate your muscle mass, you have to watch what you eat, and you have to hit cardio like a maniac. The reckon you see very few guys in the gym with "six pack abs" is that getting lean is tough work.

A easy arrival to Leaning Down if You Are Bulky

Getting that lean look is indubitably simple, but not easy. If you are kind of bulky right now and need to lean down you just need to do a few things:

1) perform Intense Cardio At Least 4-5 Times Per Week for 30-45 Minutes

2) Multiply Your Body Weight by 12. The whole You Get Will Be The Total Maximum whole Of calories You Are Allowed To Eat Each Day...Aim for Less If Possible

3) Quit Obsessing Over Strength

4) Quit Obsessing Over Protein Consumption

5) When In Doubt, Cut Back on Lifting And increase Cardio

6) You Will See "Six Pack Abs" When You Get Lean Enough. Don't Go Overboard With Crunches and Ab Movements. Cardio is Your mark To a Six Pack.

Quit Trying To Impress Guys In The Gym...The Goal Is To Impress Women

When you are hitting cardio hard and limiting your calories, you won't get as big of a pump as you are used to. You will also most likely lose a bit of strength. The big and strong guys in the gym command respect from all the other guys in the gym. I made the decision that it was more prominent for me to be physically absorbing to women, then it was to impress the other gym rats. I aimed to get a physique similar to Matthew McConaughey and haven't looked back since. I don't care if the guys in my gym think that Matthew McConaughey is a wimp...women drool over this guy.

Aim for The Male Fitness Model Look and Don't Look Back!

How to Look Like a Male Fitness Model and Attract Women

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Best Shopping cart solution New Buyer's Guidebook

Best Shopping cart solution New Buyer's Guidebook

The way to get the correct Cart on your own With many different functions and various models of shopping carts, it might often be difficult to get the right selection for you plus your distinctive demands. Personal shopping carts are classified as the newest trend amongst seniors, parents and as well adults. They've captured on massive with members coming from all ages as a result of suppleness and luxury they bring to your day-to-day home and shopping tasks. This article will offer you a report on the important thing functions consider just before purchasing your shopping cart software package.

Shopping Cart Characteristics

Unique methods of shopping carts appear daily with a lot of features together with benefits to form life busy easier. In case you analyse all of the snap-on cup holders, purse pouches, and doggy seats, you're still obtaining the key features to enhance if you're shopping: the wheels, the grip handles as well as the shopping baskets.


Current shopping carts routinely have 2 wheel design styles. To the reasons such as this informative guide, let's call the initial "Wheelie Design". The particular Wheelie Layout as a rule have an accumulation 4, plastic-type or rubberized wheels. A corner wheels will probably be bigger than the leading ones simply because might be doing a lot of the function. Shopping cart software using this type of wheels was made to be "wheeled" or tilted back on its rear wheels for flow. The top wheels mostly are for assistance and don't turn or rotate as being a standard steel grocery cart.

The subsequent design of wheel layout we shall dub "The Sniveler". The specific sniveler design is fairly just like the kinds you see in a local supermarket. Nevertheless, the wheels on individual shopping carts are usually lighter and much better to move. Carts using this type of wheel design can have four rubber wheels: two static rear wheels and a couple of front swiveling wheels. This specific wheel design allows a cart for being far more flexible in addition to maneuverable. I suggest this kind of shopping cart application to some person with back problems or other ailments. Swiveling front wheels consider the anxiety off your back and arms, delivering excellent comfort and flexibility usually when you use your shopping cart. The most effective shopping carts out there together with swiveling wheels could be the Bag Buddy Collapsible Cart.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bras and the Breast Cancer Cover-Up

"Whom can you trust when your culture is the biggest enemy of your health? Can you trust your culture's foremost authorities? Can you trust your culture's government? Can you trust your culture's hidden industry?"

We asked those questions in 1995, at the end of our book, Dressed To Kill: The Link between Breast Cancer and Bras. Before writing our book, we sent details of our explore to the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, President's Cancer Panel, American Women's curative Association, National society for Women, National Women's health Network, and National Women's health reserved supply Center. There was no response. Not one. Given the lack of interest, we decided to issue our findings in a book, getting the data directly to the women who needed to hear it.

Womens Health Magazine

But are women getting the message?

Bras and the Breast Cancer Cover-Up

It has been 12 years since our book was first published. Over that time, more than 500,000 women in the Us alone have died from breast cancer, with someone else 2,000,000 having been diagnosed with this terrible disease -- a disease that is in most cases preventable by naturally loosening up or eliminating the bra. And yet, this lifesaving data has been actively suppressed and censored by the curative and lingerie industries.

Examples of Suppress and Censorship

A large public relations firm in New York City was willing and eager to help us issue this data to the public. "My wife just had breast cancer, and I'm sure you are right," the head of the firm confessed. A big media notification and celebration were planned. Days later, however, the firm withdrew its offer to help, stating that one of their clients, a large curative center, objected to their working with us.

A Sydney, Australia public relations firm agreed to help publicize our work when we were doing outreach efforts in their country. But it, too, reversed itself. We had asked if they had any conflicts of interest, such as lingerie commerce clients. They said they had none. But as it turned out, they did recite a pharmaceutical enterprise that makes a breast cancer treatment drug, and the arresting of breast cancer and its treatment are in conflict, they explained.

The Intimate Apparel Council (which is the Us trade connection for the multi-billion dollar bra industry) threatened our publisher, Avery Publishing Group, with a lawsuit if Dressed To Kill was released. The publisher said the publicity would help spread the word. The lawsuit never materialized.

After the book was released, the Nbc television news show, Dateline, was concerned in doing a story on our work. We were extensively interviewed by a skeptical reporter who became a supporter. The story was then right away terminated. The producer confidentially explained that the procedure of general Electric, which owns Nbc, is to avoid airing news stories that can adversely impact on other Ge interests. As it happens, Ge is a maker of mammography machines.

Women's magazines, such as Glamour, Self, and others, ran primary stories condemning our work, and looking "experts" to encourage women to continue wearing bras. Elle magazine planned a unavoidable story about the bra/cancer link, but was coerced into pulling the story by bra advertisers. In discrete newspapers colse to the world, such as the Guardian in the Uk, stories were pulled prior to publication because of fear that they may "panic the public", including their lingerie advertisers.

The British Fashion Council (which is the Uk's equivalent of the Intimate Apparel Council) published the Breast health Handbook in 1996 to oppose our efforts. They announced the formation of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Foundation, which was to receive donations from bra sales to fund genetic explore into breast cancer. The book criticized our work, claiming, "The idea that wearing a bra encourages cancer by trapping toxins was recently put forward by researchers at the produce for Culturogenic Studies (sic) in Hawaii. Researchers from more august establishments right away dismissed it as claptrap." Without any curative evidence or research, the book informs women that wearing bras is a health necessity, and should be worn as early in life as inherent to prevent breast damage.

Our customary publisher, Avery, was purchased by giant Penguin Putnam in 1998. The new publisher did not list the book for three years and refused to revert publication rights to the copyright holders, Singer and Grismaijer. The book was virtually unavailable, and it was concept to have gone out of print. Finally, after repeated requests, the publishing rights were released to us in October, 2001. (Iscd Press has been keeping it in print since then.)

A television documentary was produced in the year 2000 by Channel 4 in the Uk, called, Bras- The Bare Facts. In the documentary, 100 women with fibrocystic breast disease went bra-free for 3 months to document the effect on breast cysts and pain. Two foremost British breast surgeons conducted the study. The results were astounding, and clearly demonstrated that the bra is a serious health hazard. We were interviewed for the schedule to discuss the bra/cancer connection, which was carefully highly plausible and foremost by the doctors interviewed. Some theorized that, in expanding to lymphatic impairment, the bra could also cause cancer by overheating the breasts. The documentary made newspaper headlines in British Commonwealth countries throughout the world, but no mention of it was made at all in the Us. The following day, headlines in the U.K. Tried to suppress fears of the bra/cancer link, and the doctors in the study speedily distanced themselves from the cancer issue, telling women to continue wearing bras. Their explore for the documentary was supposed to be published in a curative journal, but never was. And no further explore ever materialized to follow-up on their work, which they said they would do. whole news coverage of the schedule was ready on the Internet soon after it aired, but most articles were removed shortly thereafter.

No follow-up studies have been done to refute or confirm our research. None. While a Harvard study, published in the European Journal of Cancer in 1991, discovered that bra-free women have a lower rate of breast cancer, the results were not central to the explore they were conducting and were carefully unimportant and not followed-up. In fact, apart from our first 1991-93 Bra and Breast Cancer Study, discussed in information in Dressed To Kill, and our follow-up explore in Fiji, discussed in our book, Get It Off!, there are still no other studies on the bra/cancer link. Not even a letter or discussion of the issue can be found in any curative journal. After decades of breast cancer research, the bra is still wholly ignored as even being a inherent factor for consideration. It's like studying foot disease and ignoring shoes.

Keeping the public Mystified

This lack of research, and the effect ignorance, are then used by cancer organizations to by comparison further suppression of the issue. As the American Cancer community states on its website, (ignoring the Harvard study), "There are no scientifically valid studies that show a correlation between wearing bras of any type and the occurrence of breast cancer. Two anthropologists made this connection in a book called Dressed To Kill. Their study was not conducted agreeing to accepted system of epidemiological explore and did not take into consideration other variables, including known risk factors for breast cancer. There is no other, credible explore to validate this claim in any way." And they don't seem concerned in funding any such studies in the near future, either. There are other organizations that are similarly primary of the bra/cancer link for lack of explore evidence, while at the same time discouraging any explore on the subject.

Of particular interest is when breast cancer organizations antagonistic to the issue sound the bra/cancer link to be "misinformation" or a "myth", without any scientific study supporting their claims. They say bras are foremost for women to wear for support, without any evidence showing bras are safe or necessary. They then encourage regular mammograms, cancer arresting drug therapy (not realizing that "prevention therapy" is an oxymoron), and even prophylactic mastectomies (which means that those who are high risk for breast cancer but who don't want to get it can have their breast removed as a arresting strategy). Of course, it is good to remove the bra instead of the breasts, but bra removal is not a billable procedure.

Keep in mind that bras have been related with other health problems, such as headaches, dullness in the hands, backache and other postural problems, cysts, pain, skin depigmentation, and more. And lymphatic blockage, which is the effect of bra constriction, has already been related with discrete cancers. Clearly, the bra/cancer link needs further research, while women take the precaution of loosening up.

Why the resistance?

What harm could there be in following our easy advice, or in even researching this issue? Why the defensive reaction?

There are three reasons:

1. The bra commerce fears class performance lawsuits. Many insiders have admitted to us that for years the commerce suspected underwires were causing cancer. They know that tight bras cause cysts and pain. It is only a matter of time until a lawsuit is made against a bra manufacturer. As a defense, the commerce is shifting the blame to the customer, claiming that most women are wearing their bras too tightly, and should get professional fittings. (How do you get a properly fitted push-up bra?) Breaking ranks with their commerce peers, and trying to capitalize on the bad news, are some bra manufacturers that now offer newly patented bras claiming to mitigate the damage, including cancer, caused by conventional bras.

2. The curative commerce is production billions each year on the detection and treatment of breast cancer. As mentioned above, there is a disagreement between the arresting and the treatment of disease, especially if the arresting does not include drugs or surgery. The fact is that our treatment-focused, profit-oriented curative system is production a killing treating this disease, and has billions to lose if breast cancer goes out of fashion along with bras.

In addition, the bra issue will revolutionize the breast cancer field, embarrassing many researchers. Breast cancer explore to date that has ignored the bra issue is seriously flawed as a result, which is why the "experts" are still unable to by comparison the cause of over 70% of all breast cancer cases. vocation cancer researchers who have ignored the bra issue will have to admit this fatal flaw in their work, which they are not inclined to admit in their lifetimes.

3. Finally, there is the dogmatic, fearful resistance from some women who find their personal identity so related to their bras that they would rather risk cancer than be bra-free (which some women have indeed told us.) Women are cultural entities, and so long as our culture scorns a natural bustline, many women will submit to the pain, red marks and indentations, cysts, and even the threat of cancer rather than face inherent public ridicule (which never indeed happens.)

There are also women who believe the myth that bras will prevent droopy breasts. The bra commerce admits this is a myth, while it still promotes it to improve sales. In fact, bras cause breasts to droop, as the breasts become dependent on the bra for sustain and the natural supportive mechanisms atrophy from non use.

Despite the resistance, however, some women have gotten the message. And many health care professionals, who have also suspected bras for years, are now spreading that message. As women hear the news and search for that eliminating the bra also eliminates cysts and pain, the news further spreads by word of mouth.

There are now thousands of websites on this subject, many from health care professionals including curative doctors, naturopathic doctors, osteopathic doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, lymphatic specialists, nutritionists, and others who care about women and helping end this epidemic. Grassroots efforts to keep this data alive and spreading have supplanted the customary curative explore approach, which has disqualified itself for lack of interest and disagreement of interest.

When a disease is caused by the culture and its habits, attitudes, fashions and industries, there is bound to be resistance to change. Industries that contribute to disease will be defensive, and industries that behalf from disease will be conflicted. However, the truth has a way of getting out, despite the resistance and suppression. Thank Goodness the truth does have a way of getting out.

Bras and the Breast Cancer Cover-Up

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Self-Pleasure For Women a Dildo overview

Dildo use is pretty wide spread and a modern peruse in a monthly slick magazine reported that 20% of young expert women between the ages of 24 and 35 carry a dildo with most of the time. Self-pleasure has proven to have health benefits and can lead to better sex life through self discovery.

What is a dildo?

Womens Health Magazine

There is some consider over what constitutes a dildo. The normal consensus is that a non-vibrating device, resembling a penis shape, size and allinclusive appearance is a dildo. Women more generally now associate vibrating devices in that definition. Prosthetic aids or penis extensions can also be included as can sex toys/aids for anal penetration such as butt plugs although not everybody company them with the term dildo.

Self-Pleasure For Women a Dildo overview

The improvement of the dildo

Believe it or not the sex toy use goes back way into history. The world oldest dildo is a siltstone 20cm phallus dated 30,000 years old found in a cave in Germany. It is known that aged Egyptians used dildos over 2,500 years ago.

The early dildos were made of wood, leather and pottery. In the 1940's technology intervened thank goodness and Pvc and rubber were introduced as were steel springs for stiffness.

Now today we girls have silicone dildos that are easy to keep clean, uncostly and great for the first time user. The newest material to gain a following is Pyrex glass that is costly and inflexible but some women just love the feel of.

How the Dildo can be used

There are many uses for the dildo but the most tasteless uses apart from vaginal/clitoral stimulation such as for fetishist value. Partners may use them for foreplay running them over skin. They can be used for anal penetration or even oral penetration if of the right size. Habitancy often use them as a sort of synthetic fellatio.

The phenomenal world of the dildo

There is so much selection dildos come in all assorted shapes and can even be duplicate ended making for twice the fun in the right environment. There are inflatable dildos, dildos with balls, flare based or even those with suction cups for easier control (can be settled on an inanimate object).

What to look for when buying a dildo

The three main aspects of buying a dildo are shape, material and colour. A woman wants something that looks and feels good. Most dildos are made of rubber. Even with rubber there are distinct types with jelly rubber being quite favorite and arrival in curious colours.

Silicone rubber is of better quality and has the added benefits of retaining body heat well, it's resilient, non-porous and can be boiled to sterilize. Silicone also feels great when vibrating and is great when used for clitoral stimulation. Silicone comes in a great range of sizes, shapes and colours so you can surely find something accepted for you.

Hard plastic dildos are inflexible and many women just don't like the feel of them. If women use these then it is often only for short periods of time. I would advise that hard plastic is surely only for more experienced dildo users.

When buying a dildo surely think about what you want from them and it is better to start a miniature smaller rather that go for one too big. Dildos aren't cheap and they are surely not returnable so for a newbies a jelly rubber dildo could be the ideal beginning point.

Self-Pleasure For Women a Dildo overview

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Why Most Men Love Curvy Women

In simple terms, men and women do not understand each other too well. It's a well known fact. Men like cars. Women like make up. Men drink a beer and watch sport, while women can sit and chat about shoes for hours. Generalisation of course. Profound apologies. Any way there is one area where we men are on solid ground. Men like 'curvy' women. When we say men, we mean All men. Women think that men like 'slim' women, and that 'curvy' means fat. Wow. For a man, talking to a woman about her body and it's shape is like digging your own grave with your tongue. There is no way we can say to our partners 'you have a great curvy body', because she will automatically think we mean she is fat! So we will attempt to expound 'curvy' to women, and set their minds at rest. Men are wholly turned on by a woman's shape. Her shape. Not her size. Not her weight. It's all about the 'hour-glass' shape.

There are some very, very slim women who have even slimmer waists, and therefore fall into the type where their body has the beginnings of the hour glass shape. There are some women who are plainly curvy, like a Beyonce, Shakira, or J-Lo. And some women need a dinky dieting, or practice to find that shape. Men of all ages love to admire an hour glass body. There is something so incredibly sexy about foremost breasts, a slim waist and rounded hips. And commonly the side profile is even better, as most curvy women look as if they are trying to arch their backs, and stick their buttocks out. Awesome. That is what men mean by curvy.

Womens Health Magazine

As long as breasts, waist, and hips are all in proportion, dress size is irrelevant. The only population who are genuinely interested in whether a woman is size 0 or 10, are other women. Men are only interested in the shape of a woman's body. Because the editors of women's magazines are so narrow minded that every singular picture in their slippery pages has to rehearse perfection, normal women who religiously read these pages find faults with themselves. They don't like their hair. Its too dry or too greasy. They don't like their eyes. They can detect fine lines and wrinkles. They don't like their skin. Their hands are too veiny. Their shoulders too broad. Stomach too big. Breasts wrong shape. Legs too short. You get the idea. Who caused all this anxiety? genuinely not men! And ladies, if you take a look straight through the first few pages of your favourite magazine, the editorial staff is roughly exclusively female.

Why Most Men Love Curvy Women

So all the women we know are a dinky obsessed with being slim, or being the definite weight. None seem too involved about their shape. Men want one thing. Women are trying to achieve something entirely different. Men want that slim waist. The rounded hips and buttocks. The shapely breasts. They want it all in proportion. But most men are prepared to love their woman, no matter what shape she is. If she were curvy as well as all things else, that genuinely would put the icing on the cake. One great study in the Usa was eye opening. The mean American woman is 5'4" tall, and size 14. In terms of fashion, modelling, and Hollywood, that is a plus size. Yet, if you ask men "who is the sexiest woman ever?", Marilyn Monroe, who happened to be size 14, comes second to "my wife". Men genuinely think that curvy is beautiful.

Why Most Men Love Curvy Women

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Sex appeal in Middle-Aged Women

What a great feeling to gawk that sex request for retrial in middle-aged women increases as we age. This easy fact should be sufficient to growth confidence that we are still sexy at any age.

Our confidence, sensuality, and character play the largest role in our capability to be seen as sexy. This is confirmed by population Magazine's "Most gorgeous People" list which includes women over 50 like Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon, and Jane Seymour. These middle-aged women are gorgeous because they are confident, saucy, enchanting and fun. It is these types of sensual traits that draw men towards us regardless of age.

Womens Health Magazine

Although middle-aged women are sexy, many find themselves needing to rebuild their self-esteem once their hormones start to wane. Unfortunately as estrogen levels fall many women perceive insufficient vaginal lubrication. Sometimes when we desire a romantic evening we find our bodies do not talk in the way we anticipate. We start out the night with great intentions yet instead end up feeling defeated by the decline in our hormone levels, and inability to perform.

Sex appeal in Middle-Aged Women

On this topic, I urge us all to stop internalizing that something is wrong. It is prominent for us as middle-aged women to dig deep and build self-esteem. Even if we have the 'best lover on the planet' it may come to be considerable to give ourselves grace. Keep in mind our lack of responsiveness is most likely due to diminished hormones...not a lack of interest in being intimate with our partners.

I have discovered many post-menopausal women feel sexier and are more sexually satisfied in this stage of their lives. It makes sense middle-aged women's sex request for retrial would intensify as we age. There is less anxiety from both partners about fears of pregnancy, and child-rearing responsibilities are lessened. That means a incorporate is more able to relax and enjoy intimate time together. These facts alone should help growth confidence and sex appeal.

I recently learned from a study that 1 in 5 sexually active middle-aged women perceive a high level of sexual desire. Initially these statistics made me sad but I got encouraged as I continued to read the article. Two-thirds of these women revealed being slowly to very satisfied with their sex lives. This data allows us to growth confidence in ourselves as sexual beings.

I hear about middle-aged women who are sexually unresponsive to their partners. For those of you stuck in this pattern, I encourage you to embrace the idea that sexual desire does not have to precede sexual arousal. It is more empowering when we shift our mindset away from the concept that we need to be 'turned on' before initiating sex with our partners. That act alone helps us build self-esteem.

I am sure you have experienced the significance of enchanting in sexual action as a means to nurture, affirm, or preserve your relationship. It distresses me to hear of middle-aged women who have stopped being sexual with their partner because of a lack of desire or those whom give up this intimacy because sex has come to be uncomfortable. This is not the direction you want to be headed. It is considerable to growth confidence in your man. Being sexual is a huge part of men's identity. It truly is the core of their being and not our place to interfere.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. When our partner shuts down communication we are left wondering what's wrong. Suddenly we feel abandoned which troops us to ponder on what we did or said that hurt them. This is how men feel when we preserve sex from them...alone and abandoned! I hope you can see how it becomes our responsibility to build self-esteem in our men by showing a sexual interest in them.

Thankfully, the health & beauty industry has advanced products that leave middle-aged women feeling supple to counteract the effects of reduced hormone levels. These products are designed to 'moisten' and bring back our sense of youth as sexual beings. This helps build self-esteem in women, and empowers our men to be 'King of the Hill. ' An amazing magic happens when we talk really to their touch. You will feel incredibly sexy when your body reacts as though it is young again. It is a win-win for both of you.

Being sexual is key to a great relationship but is not the only door middle-aged women need to keep open. Intimacy does not have to involve the sexual act, so I encourage you to originate time for this type of closeness. It will growth confidence when you find other ways to express your love and affection with your partner. This can be as easy as a drive in the country, or cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. Enjoying time together, as a couple, adds to your connectedness and sex appeal.

How long sex request for retrial lasts varies from woman to woman. Today middle-aged women in their 50's are seen by many men as much sexier than younger women. The incommunicable ingredient is how well we emanate sex appeal. It is each of our responsibilities to gawk our unique traits that make us sexy.

Sex appeal in Middle-Aged Women

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Current health Care Issues

There are any condition care issues that are in the news and in the minds of many citizen these days. Possibly because of the push for universal condition care, misuses of the current condition care system have come to light. The condition care issues that plague Americans need to be addressed with intelligent deliberate upon and understanding.

One of the condition care issues is the overuse of accident rooms by the poor. It is not their faults. They are plainly responding to a situation in which they have no other recourse. For example, a low-income house may have a child with a cut finger. If they had insurance, the parents would take the child to a doctor's office or an urgent care clinic to get the finger stitched up.


Since they have no such option, they take the much more costly route of going to the accident room for the same service. This puts a strain on accident rooms and costs taxpayers much more than if the poor families were given enough curative coverage in the first place. condition care issues like this one are difficult to fathom when there are so many sources of cheaper curative care.

Current health Care Issues

Other condition care issues involve prophylactic medicine. Insurance associates do not all preserve the patient's right to prophylactic curative screening procedures and treatments. This also makes condition care more high-priced in the long run.

Many condition care issues revolve nearby the older population. There are so many elderly citizen who are given petite or no help with their prescribe medications. Insurance associates make drug coverage ready - at a price that is so high that most seniors cannot afford it. This does petite to resolve these condition care issues.

With all the condition care issues that are in the group eye, there needs to be a best system of transportation on these subjects. citizen can have an impact on their condition care system if they know where to have their ideas on condition care issues heard. It is time for the government and other organizations to give them a voice.

Current health Care Issues

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Media And work on On Women Body Image

It has become definite now that the media advertises and promotes a very unhealthy trend of greatest dieting and other bad eating habits to women. Most of media sources put on their covers images of skinny emancipated females. Doing this they influence the subconscious mind of the masses. And women continue to spend their money trying to achieve this unattainable look they constantly see in media advertising.

To try and solve this problem let's reply the next questions.

Womens Health Magazine

What is body image? What kind of trends in the media commerce are we noticing now? How do the media influence our perception of body image? What could be the reasons behind this? What are the consequences of this kind of trend? What are some real suggestions on how to heighten your body image?

Media And work on On Women Body Image

Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body. This may have no bearing at all on your actual appearance. For instance, it is coarse in Western nations for women to believe they are larger and fatter than they authentically are. Only one in five women is satisfied with their body weight. Nearly half of all normal weight women overestimate their size and shape. A distorted body image can lead to self-destructive behavior, like dieting or eating disorders. Almost nine out of 10 young Australian women have dieted at least once in their lives.

So, the basic trend in the media commerce at the occasion is to promote slim, even skinny unnatural seeing women's bodies as being beautiful.

Women of all ages but especially young women look at magazines, Tv, movies and other media products full of images that show skinny women's bodies. And these are perceived by the subconscious mind of young women as being a role model to consequent and aspire to be like. Achieving this skinny look does not come naturally; it inevitably leads to practicing some kind of dieting, immoderate exercising or abnormal eating behaviors.

Twenty years ago, the mean model weighed 8 per cent less than the mean woman--but today's models weigh 23 per cent less. Advertisers believe that thin models sell products. When the Australian magazine New Woman recently included a photograph of a heavy-set model on its cover, it received a truckload of letters from grateful readers praising the move. But its advertisers complained and the magazine returned to featuring bone-thin models.

What could be the speculate behind all this? Why has this fashion trend occurred now?
Why are standards of charm being imposed on women, the majority of whom are simply larger than any of the models?

The reasons for this agreeing to some analysts, is an economic one. By presenting an ideal look which is difficult to achieve and maintain the cosmetic and diet goods industries are assured of growth and profits. It is estimated that the diet commerce alone is worth 0 billion (U.S.) a year. This is a lot of money and authentically worth their while to continue to nurture emancipated women as being the norm.

And the consequences of this trend are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are more likely to buy charm products, new clothes, and diet pills or other diet supplies.

On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.

The level of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are addition rapidly every year. It is estimated that colse to 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have an eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia or binge eating some time in their life.

And about 15 per cent of all young women have significantly distorted eating attitudes and behavior that can lead to developing anorexia or bulimia in the near future.

So, what would be some real suggestions on how to heighten your body image without resorting to unhealthy eating habits?

The First one is to change your goal from weight loss to just improving your health. Second, is to focus more the internal charm like improving your self-esteem, self-confidence and internal strengths of your character.
Get informed by reading up on body image issues and self-improvement books. And give yourself a break from women's magazines and the mass media advertising for a while if you feel you maybe prone to this kind of false perceptions.

To sum up, the media does impact on women's body image significantly and it can influence women's physical and mental health in a negative way. And the only way to stop these negative effects coming from the media is to teach women not to judge themselves by the charm industry's standards and learn not to collate themselves to the cover girls. And also it is foremost to promote a wholesome life style with emphasis on internal charm like improving self-esteem and self-confidence. Not on being a stick like model.

Media And work on On Women Body Image

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Sexiest Pubic Hairstyles - List of What's Hot in Pubic Hair Designs & Pubic Hair Patterns

What woman would not when seeing to shave her vagina want to have the sexiest seeing pubic hairstyle there is, that is, if all the pubic hair is not advent off. It is funny and hard to understand why women pay a fortune and tolerate such excruciating pain at times from waxing only to cover up their work of art. Okay fair sufficient if it is for your partner then understandable. How to find the sexiest pubic hairstyle may be difficult because what I may see as sexy you may not. The only way we can pick an erotic pubic hair construct or pubic hair pattern considered the sexiest is to list the options ready and you take it from there.

If this is an impulse decision to shave off the pubes then you must consider the downsides if any to the singular process you have opted for. Maybe your boyfriend might be displeased with your choice so be sure to ask him. You also have to think about how you will feel after the sexiest pubic hairstyle has been created. Some women regret doing something like this, however not the end of the world as it is an issue that corrects itself over time when the pubic hair grows back. I personally can`t see the point myself in spending good money to have a pubic hair construct that will in a combine of days beyond doubt look a perfect mess when hair increase (stubble) reappears. Okay I know mind my own business and get on with it.

Womens Health Magazine

Common choices of pubic hair designs is the landing strip, heart shape and triangle patch. Of course if you have your own construct in mind then have a word with the man designated for the job and see if they can adapt you with your request. Nowadays nothing is beyond doubt seen as too much trouble; however have a plan B just in case.

Sexiest Pubic Hairstyles - List of What's Hot in Pubic Hair Designs & Pubic Hair Patterns

Less main stream shaved pubic hair styles like the lightning bolt, solitaire shape are increasingly popular. In the name of fashion women will go to great lengths to keep up with trends regardless. To be fashionable in today`s community you need to invest in more than some up market designer or celebrity-look-alike accessories. In some cases of young girls it is about following suit of their idols like Naomi Campbell and Gwyneth Paltrow a combine of celebs who I believe host designer thatches, nonetheless you need to do this for you and no one else. These celebrities have the money to put things right should a pubic hairstyle go wrong.

There was time when women had a fetish for shoes, handbags and cosmetics but now we look more to the downstairs fetish so as to speak (the nether region.) History of pubic hair styles came about in 1617 where pubic wigs were worn by prostitutes to cover the signs of lice and venereal disease. How much truth in this I am not sure. In the seventies Britain`s Penthouse magazine exposes pubic hair for the first time in a pornographic magazine "albeit to the point of invisibility". Hugh Hefner famously refused to show pubic hair in his Playboy magazine, while his rival publication, Penthouse, laid it out for all to see. Not sure should we British get a pat on the back for this or what. In middle seventies Rio de Janeiro beaches gave rise to the fashion phenomenon the string bikini. Nowadays this is nothing new, with the "thong" reportedly being the no 1 best selling underwear garment. But this is where the rot apparently set in with the Brazilian bikini bouncing onto the scene, hence drawing our concentration to pubic hair. Hair styling of the pubes was truly born from this day and judging by statistics it is here to stay and for a very long time.

Now back to find you the sexiest pubic hairstyle.

Popular pubic hair styles for all tastes

The Arrow is Brazilian strip, with an arrowhead on the bottom.

The Bikini Bottom/Bikini Line - Just a tidy up where hair remains giving the corollary of a bikini bottom shape when viewed from the front.

The Brazilian - The most notable and favorite pubic hair style of all - removing all but a very thin strip of pubic hair down the centre.

The Cardshark - Hair is shorn to leave a playing card design. Hot favorite is Hearts then diamonds and spades but clubs are rarely sported. And apparently it's not the done thing to centralize the construct its ordinarily seen to the side.

The Charlie Chaplin is a horizontal strip like a Chaplin mustache - also called the Hitler or Adolf.

The French involves removing a strip of hair both sides - less dramatic than a Brazilian.

The Hollywood/Lolita/Kojak/Yuk Brynner need I spell it out - All shaved or waxed off.

The Isoscelesis a triangular version of the French.

The Landing Strip ordinarily referred to in soldiery circles as the Runway. Wider than a Brazilian, narrower than a French.

The Princess Cut - A vertical oval shape like an American Football or Rugby Ball deigned in the pubes.
There is a multitude of choices in pubic hair construct but what you see as the sexiest pubic hairstyle may not be listed here. You need to browse definite magazines or visit a attractiveness salon or best still go online for data on sexiest pubic hairstyles.

Sexiest Pubic Hairstyles - List of What's Hot in Pubic Hair Designs & Pubic Hair Patterns

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Help For Women - How To Have An Orgasm

If you have difficulties in reaching orgasm, you are not alone. About 4 out of every 10 women have some degree of discontentment with their sex lives. In the following paragraphs, I will talk about the potential obstacles that forestall a woman from having an orgasm and how she can overcome them.

Possible Obstacles To Orgasm

Womens Health Magazine

Orgasmic impairment does not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, religion, education, or sexual orientation, experience, or inexperience. A woman's menstrual cycle may forestall her from having an orgasm at regular and frequent intervals because of hormonal changes within her body. definite life situations and experiences can also increase the chances of her unable to experience orgasm. Other factors like stress, medication, prescription birth control, hormonal imbalances, heart disease, insufficient and immoderate body fat can cause orgasm difficulty. Some negative beliefs about sex, a woman's body and guilt over sexual pleasure, also can sway a woman's potential to have an orgasm.

Help For Women - How To Have An Orgasm

How To Overcome The Obstacles To Orgasm

(1) Getting rid of those negative ideas

Orgasm is de facto a normal or natural reflex response to sexual stimulation. However, as a girl grows up, she receives a lot of negative feelings and ideas from society about a woman's body, masturbation and sex.

Women are often raised on the beliefs that they can perform fulfillment through making personal sacrifices that pander to the wishes and expectations of others while suppressing and ignoring their own needs. Women are commonly foreseen, to be sexually passive, 'good girls' are not 'sexually active' nor should they 'desire sex'.

While on a aware level, a woman may want to experience delight and orgasm, on a subconscious level she may be saying no because of these negative ideas and beliefs. It is for these reasons and many more that sway a woman's potential to experience sexual delight and orgasm.

(2) institute a connection between your brain and genitals

Given that a woman is often being wrongly told that her genitals are 'dirty', she will try to limit her contacts with them as much as possible. This can cause a woman's brain to disconnect from her vulva and clitoris as if they are not part of her body.

There are nerve pathways that carry sexual stimuli or messages to a woman's brain. Before a woman can experience sexual delight and orgasm, she must 'wake up' these sexual nerve pathways in order to form a thinking link between her genitals and brain. This requires frequent caressing of the clitoris and vulva so as to stimulate and initiate these nerve pathways. Her brain needs to be trained to process numerous nerve impulses (by way of self stimulation or masturbation) before it can do so efficiently, or even knows how to process them.

Vibrators can also provide high arduous stimulation efficiently to allow a woman to experience orgasm. Once she learns to experience orgasm using a vibrator and the nerve pathways develop, other forms of less intense stimulation will be able to trigger an orgasm. The first orgasm is commonly the most inviting to achieve. The more orgasms a woman has, the easier she will have orgasm(s) in the future.

(3) Promote your blood circulation

Blood flow is needful to sexual arousal and vaginal lubrication. This is because blood carries the feel-good chemicals that allow the physical aspects of arousal to happen. If a woman does not have enough blood flow to her vulva and vagina, she is likely to have greater mystery in experiencing arousal and orgasm.

Same as how her nerve pathways institute with use, so do the blood vessels and erectile tissues. The more often a woman stimulates and causes blood flow to increase in her genitals, the longer blood will stay there, the more her blood vessels and erectile tissues will function great as a result.

Any operation that increases blood flow to the vulva can improve arousal. Frequent stimulation of the vulva and clitoris (with the help of natural oil based lubricant), sexual fantasy, using a clitoris pump and inviting in 20 minutes of sustained physical operation each day through walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, etc will help in blood flow circulation. Anything that is good for your heart will help to increase blood flow throughout your pelvic and genital region.

(4) reply your sexual desire

Before a woman can learn to experience orgasm she must reply and accept her sexual desire and learn to know its rhythms. You need to know if you are experiencing sexual desire on any given day, and its level in comparison to other days. This is commonly indicated by the frequency of sexual thoughts and arousal.

Since a woman's menstrual cycle often causes her desire to be cyclic, this requires you to reply that cycle and the limits it may place on your sexual response. Your estrogen and sexual desire drops rapidly after ovulation and is commonly at its bottom during menstruation. On days when your level of desire is lower, orgasm may require more thinking than physical stimulation.

(5) Learn to relax

If you are stressful, it is less likely for you to be able to come to be aroused and experience orgasm. The simplest and quickest way to sell out stress is through deep breathing. Close your eyes, breathe deeply in through your nose, hold for a couple seconds, exhale deeply through your mouth and repeat. Get in the habit of doing this before you masturbate or have sex, and any time during the day you feel stressed. an additional one way is to do stretching exercises to help relax muscular tension.

(6) Be comfortable with your body

You need to identify there is no such thing as a excellent body. Do not be too harsh on yourself and be misled by what you see in magazines because they do not exist in real life. Even if you are not satisfied with your body, wishing it can be better, you need to be able to look at and touch it and enjoy the delight it can give you. Your body is still very capable of giving you pleasure, if you allow it to. The more delight you allow your body to give you, the more you will find that you like your body. A woman who is able to get comfortable with her body will have higher chances of achieving orgasm than a woman who does not.

(7) Indulge yourself in sexual fantasy

Sexual fantasy is often needful for masturbation and orgasm. You should focus on the things that turn you on instead of thinking of what you should do or try to achieve. If you are not able to generate a sexual fantasy of your own, read an erotic book or magazine, romantic novel, sexually explicit pictures, or erotic video. Just let your mind ramble and think about all the erotic stuff you can imagine.

The main thing is to get yourself sexually liberated in your thoughts and assert your ownership to sexual delight as a woman. This sexual delight does not necessarily have to come from your partner(s). identify that you on your own can be a source of sexual pleasure. Be kind to yourself and learn to love and appreciate your body. When you select a partner, make sure he or she accepts you as what you are, together with your imperfections. When you are able to reach this stage, orgasm will come to be part of your second nature.

Help For Women - How To Have An Orgasm

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Friday, November 16, 2012

The condition Benefits of Kale

When you mention kale, the majority will look up with raised eyebrows and mumble "What"? "What's that"? An old, hardly spoken of and grand green food. Kale is a leafy green vegetable with a mild earthy flavor. The season for kale is between mid winter and early spring where it can be found in plenty in most produce sections of the local grocery store. However, one can find kale year round. Thankfully, kale is beginning to garner well deserved concentration due its nutrient rich phytochemical article which provides unparalleled condition promoting benefits.

Kale categorically rich and abundant in calcium, lutein, iron, and Vitamins A, C, and K. Kale has seven times the beta-carotene of broccoli and ten times more lutein. Kale is rich in Vitamin C not to mention the much needed fiber so lacking in the daily diet of processed food eating Americans. The "Icing on the Kale" are the natural occurring all important phytochemicals sulforaphane and indoles which investigate suggests may protect against cancer. Let's not forget the all important antioxidant Vitamin E. Rest assured kale spares nothing in providing one with much needed nutrients and associated condition benefits.


The naturally rich sulfur article of kale deserves a bit more discussion. Science has discovered that sulforaphane, helps boost the body's detoxification enzymes, maybe by altering gene expression. This is turn is purported to help clear carcinogenic substances in a timely manner. Sulforaphane is formed when cruciferous vegetables like kale are chopped or chewed. This somehow triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer causing chemicals, of which we all are exposed on daily basis. A recently new study in the Journal of cusine (2004) demonstrates that sulforaphane helps stop breast cancer cell proliferation.

The condition Benefits of Kale

Kale descends from the wild cabbage which originated in Asia and is notion to have been brought to Europe by the Celtics. Kale was an important food item in early European history and a crop staple in aged Rome. Kale was brought to the Usa while the 17th century by English settlers.

A leafy green vegetable beginning to gain farranging attention, kale belongs to the Brassica family, a group that also includes cabbage, collard greens and Brussels sprouts. Select kale with small leaves as they will be tenderer and offer a sweeter taste. Make kale leaves a quarterly increasing to your salads. A sautéed side dish of kale, onions, and garlic drizzled in olive oil is second to none. Enjoy your kale. You'll be glad did.

The condition Benefits of Kale

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Top 10 Most favorite Magazines

We all see those magazines at the checkout counter, from entertainment to news to food and celebrity gossip. Have you ever wondered which magazines are the most popular? Well, here are the top 10 from lowest to top:

10. Tv Guide - The first Tv Guide was published in 1953 and featured Desi Arnaz from I Love Lucy, the most favorite current show of that time. Though many newspapers publish their own Tv listings, Tv Guide is still going strong.

Womens Health Magazine

9. Sports descriptive - The most favorite sports magazine, Sports descriptive enjoys a big boost in readership every year for their each year swimsuit issue. The current incarnation of Sports descriptive published its first issue in 1954 and covers all the major sports. The #1 cover athlete is Michael Jordan with an spectacular, 49 covers. The magazine has a weekly circulation of over 3 million.

Top 10 Most favorite Magazines

8. Time - Time is one of the oldest entries on this list, with the first issue being published in 1923. Time is known for picking a "Person of the Year" each year. Time covers a variety of topics but is in general a news magazine.

7. Woman's Day - As the title states, Woman's Day covers topics of interest to women together with food, recipes, beauty, fashion and fitness. The first issue was published in 1928.

6. Game Informer - Game Informer is a monthly magazine dedicated to video games and consoles. The magazine features reviews and articles on Pc games, as well as Nintendo Ds, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation and Psp games. Game Informer started publishing in the summer of 1991.

5. Ladies Home Journal - This magazine is the oldest on the list, with its first issue being published in 1883. Ladies Home Journal was one of the most favorite magazines of the 20th century and it is still being published today. The magazine showcases article aimed at women and housewives.

4. Good Housekeeping - This magazine was started in 1885. Another magazine aimed at women and housewives, Good Housekeeping is preeminent for its "Seal of Approval" that it gives to separate products that have passed their testing. Many preeminent female writers have contributed articles to the magazine, together with Virginia Woolf and Somerset Maugham.

3. National Geographic - The magazine of the National Geographic Society, this magazine helps to broaden knowledge of world history, science, culture, nature and geography in order to document and conserve them. The monthly magazine was first published in 1888. The magazine is published in many separate languages.

2. Best Homes and Gardens - This is a monthly magazine that showcases homes, gardens, cooking, gardening and decorating connected content. Founded in 1922, it has a readership of nearly 8 million.

1. Reader's Ant. Eject - With over 8 million subscribers, this is the #1 magazine in the United States. Founded in 1922, Reader's Ant. Eject offers article of interest to families. Many international editions are published and worldwide readership of Reader's Ant. Eject magazines is estimated to be over 100 million people.

Top 10 Most favorite Magazines

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The condition Benefits of Bilberry

Bilberry is made from a minute blue berry that is related to blueberries and cranberries. Bilberry is a considerable anti-inflammatory. The herb is also a considerable antioxidant and has glucoquinine (lowers blood sugar levels). Bilberry contains flavonoids called anthocyanosides that protect the collagen structures in the blood vessels of the eye. Bilberry is used to treat eye problems such as Macular Degeneration, diabetic neuropathy, and/or cataracts.

Benefits of Bilberry


Bilberry is found mostly in dark skinned fruits. It is used to treat diarrhea, vericose veins, and mucous membrane inflammation. The herb is beneficial in the medicine of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and in eye health.

The condition Benefits of Bilberry

This herb may also help night vision. While World War Ii, British Pilots ate bilberry jam before going out on night flights. They claimed it improved their vision. It is believed that the bilberry herb helps the eyes to adjust to changes in light quickly. This is one of the many benefits of bilberry and can be very beneficial for ones eyes according to many studies.

In Europe it is used to treat venous insufficiency- a condition that causes swelling and varicose veins. It added relieves pain and itching, and it also. Helps combat skin ulcers on the legs. Reynaud's disease may benefit from bilberry. Reynauds causes pain and deadness in the outer extremities (fingers, toes and nose) when cold.

Bilberry improves circulation and makes artery walls. The herb may cut inflammation, ease gastro-intestinal problems, and gum problems that have been related to heart disease. Diarrhea and mouth sores can benefit from Bilberry as well. Bilberry has strong sanitary properties, relieves peptic ulcers, diabetes, fibrocystic diseases, and painful menstruation.

Our closing For The Benefits Of Bilberry

Because of Bilberry's strong antioxidant composition, the herb makes an excellent free radical scavenger, which helps combat the cell damage that leads to premature aging and disease. The most noted benefit that we briefly discussed above, is its potential to treat a range of problems relating to ones eye health. For example, the herb protects collagen structures in the blood vessels of the eyes, thus promoting salutary capillaries that carry many vital nutrients, such as oxygen-rich blood to your eye muscles.

Various Studies have confirmed that the benefits of bilberry go even added than one might be aware of. The herb can be beneficial for protecting against macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, and poor or fading vision. We believe bilberry to be one of the best herbs ready for the safety of ones eyes health. Clinical studies have even shown that if given orally to salutary people, it improves optic accuracy. Our closing is that everyone should think attractive bilberry as it helps as part of an uncut maintenance of ones health.

Other benefits of bilberry include treating menstrual cramps and helping aid stomach ulcers. Varicose veins, thrombosis, angina, and poor circulation may also be improved with the use of bilberry, as the herb helps with salutary blood flow.

Our last point to note is that bilberry contains a substance called glucoquinine, which has the potential to lower ones blood sugar levels significantly and its antioxidant, anthocyanin, within the herb itself, can cut high blood pressure.

Possible Precautions for those considering using Bilberry

Some side effects related to the use of Bilberry, include the possibility of: stomach upset, dizziness, or headache. It could cause diarrhea, and thin out blood. Caution should be used as bilberry could interfere with medications. However, there are no known adverse interactions with prescription drugs, or have there been any harmful effects noted in the literature for this herb to the best of our knowledge. As always, though, use your tasteless sense when taking nutritional supplements: if you notice any unwanted side effects, halt usage, or cut your dosage level level away. Remember to all the time consult with a considerable doctor before starting supplementation of any kind.

Pregnant or nursing women should all the time refrain from supplementation with nutritional products until they speak with their personal doctor.

Our conception on the Bilberry Herb

The evidence for bilberry's benefits as a herb are long, varied, and shown in many clinical trails when it comes to treating eye disorders and maintaining clear foresight in salutary individuals. However, many of the up-to-date beneficial discoveries need added study in our opinions to validate the benefits further. Among these new findings are bilberry's benefits for menstrual cramps and helping treat stomach ulcers.

Because of the many benefits of bilberry, along with more or less unknown adverse side effects, we would say it is a supplement well worth checking out especially since there is a lack of side effects of bilberry -- unlike many other herbs on the market.

Tips On Getting The Best Benefits Of Bilberry

1. Make sure you buy a bilberry supplement produced with a standardized extract. Standardized extracts include the top level of therapeutic benefits within the herbs. Most other herbal supplements on the market, however, do not even include the number of ingredients stated on the label. This is worrying within the nutritional manufactures and consumers need to take this issue seriously.

2. Dosages range from 20 to 160 mg. However, population who are in good uncut condition should take lower dosage levels, but enounce long term use. However, those population with specific conditions, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, etc mentioned above in our article, may wish to supplement with dosage levels in the higher ranges, but do not go over what we have stated above.

The condition Benefits of Bilberry

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lemon Juice health Benefits

Lemonade is known to have been used as a refreshing drink since the time of the Moguls. Modem investigations have tended to sustain this use, the critical oil being very good for cooling the body. This use can be extended to the employment of lemon juice with water and sugar as the best drink to take when you have a fever

When the climatic characteristic of the body is high, whether from the effects of the sun or from the results of illness, it is critical to take quarterly drinks in order to prevent dehydration. Sugar is not normally a desirable part of a wholesome diet, nevertheless it has its part to play with lemon, and although there is no doubt that the expanding of honey if ready is very much to be preferred.


The high vitamin C article of the lemon has been used for hundreds of years to ward off scurvy among sailors and travelers. There is slight sodium, so the fruit is good as a flavoring for those on a low salt diet.

Lemon Juice health Benefits

Because in some countries the producers of lemons expand their holding properties and improve appearance by coating them with the chemical diphenyl and waxing the fruits, it is a wise precaution to wash the lemon with a slight unscented soap and then rinse completely before converting the whole fruit to juice.

The pulp left from the juicing is exquisite for the skin and can also soothe the bites and stings of insects. If you add equal parts of toilet water and of glycerin to the residue the composition can be made to keep the hands smooth.

Doctors Morel and Rochaix demonstrated that the extract of lemon when vaporized will neutralize the bacteria of meningococcus, typhoid, pneumococcus and staphylococcus in from 15 to 180 minutes.

A gastronomically inclined Frenchman, Charles Richet, is said by Dr Valnet to have discovered that the lemon juice added to raw oysters before eating them destroys 92% of the bacteria present within 15 minutes. A good presume to wait before you eat!

This facts is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is a most prominent therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic.

Provided that the juice is diluted with water, there is no danger in taking any uncostly quantity of lemon juice. Be sure to choose firm, clear colored lemons that have not begun to wither. The first signs of ageing can be spotted where the stem was once attached to the fruit.

Lemon Juice health Benefits

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Why Women Hate Other Women

Women compete with each other at a societal level, the criteria for winning is regularly set by others and the results are subjective and intangible. Women are regularly judged by characteristics that they have miniature operate over; something that they did not create, and that exist outside of themselves such as their corporal appearance. Her success is based on subjective, biased, external validation by others. She can't see how to beat her rival because her rival is in no more operate of the outcome than she is. How can you nothing else but be more gorgeous than someone else woman, when the decision is nothing more than man else's view of beauty?

How can you change someone's personal preference for a safe bet body size and shape, a singular eye color or a fondness for blondes? How many habitancy are needed to think that you are gorgeous before it is a valid or meaningful judgment? Who do you need to tell you that you are gorgeous before you can believe it to be true... Construction workers, truck drivers, the man walking down the street, your pastor, the Pope, your boss? Women compete with each other for male attention and compliments as if it feeds their self-worth and self-esteem. Women try to dress sexier and have shapelier bodies than other women.

Womens Health Magazine

Women instinctively know that men have miniature power when it comes to sexual intercourse in male and female relationships. Women know that if a platonic association exists in the middle of a male and a female, ninety percent of the time it is a platonic association because the woman does not want to have sex with the man instead of visa versa. Most women do not feel that men are psychologically or biologically capable of resisting someone else woman's sexual prowess because of their undying love, loyalty and respect for their committed association with them. If a man does not engage in a sexual association with a woman who is drop dead gorgeous, most women believe that it is because the other woman was in operate of the outcome of the type of relationship. Women intuitively know that most heterosexual males find astonishing gorgeous women sexually irresistible and if that astonishing gorgeous woman wanted her man, he would be hers for the taking.

Why Women Hate Other Women

Women are so busy contentious with each other for male attention that they do not have the psychological, intellectual or emotional insight to change the group climate that is causing them to suffer from low-self esteem. Women think of men as being promiscuous, unfaithful, lying, cheating dogs. But what most women need to come to grips with and understand is that investigate shows that a man is most likely to have a sexual affair with a woman's best friend, relative or neighbor... A woman whom she trusts, loves and respects. One of the reasons that men who cheat are so victorious at it is because women allow them to because they are in competition with each other.

Women believe that they are excellent to other women if they are physically more attractive. In a industrial for a diet pill a woman bragged, "I am now smaller than the woman my husband left me for." This statement leads me to believe that she felt that she deserved her husband's infidelity when she was over weight. Her motive for losing weight was to be physically smaller than the other woman that her husband left her for. She viewed the other woman as competition more so than feeling betrayed by her husband's disloyalty. The wife's motive for losing weight was not to improve the status of her health or growth her self-esteem but be smaller than her competition__ the other woman. The weight operate industrial is blatantly telling women that they need to look a safe bet way in order to earn their husband's love and fidelity. It doesn't matter either or not you cook his meals, raise his kids, and withhold his dreams... What matters most in a association is either or not you are physically attractive enough to keep your man at home. There is an assumption that it is natural for a man to cheat on a woman who he feels is no longer sexually appealing. Many women believe that it is their fault when their husband or boyfriend cheats on them because they are not attractive enough to keep him faithful.

A woman's perception of self-worth is validated outside of her self from others and this affects her internal psychological view of her own value as a human being. Women compete indirectly with other women because they have not learned how to recognize and channel their internal desires, feelings and goals into physical, tangible realities. Once women learn that they can not operate or live vicariously through their children or the man in their life; they will stop hating each other and focus on their personel unique gifts, talents and assets.

Why do women hate other women?

1. Women feel that their biological prime-time is limited. She can nothing else but be replaced by a new younger, more gorgeous woman. Youth is a woman's fair-weathered friend.

2. Women feel that other women operate their man's sexual fidelity.

3. Women feel that their level or degree of corporal beauty is based on luck as opposed to something that she controls.

4. Women feel that other women can take something that they have worked hard to earn by using their beauty on the job, school and the legal law because men will be taken by her beauty.

5. Women feel that other women can not be trusted. They gossip too much, they are phony and they would take your man right before your eyes.

6. Women feel that other women divert attention away from them.

7. Women feel psychologically contentious with other women to be more attractive.

8. Women subconsciously believe that if they merely looked like someone else woman, they could inherit her life, her diamond, her man, and habitancy would look at her with the same admiration.

The following dialogue was edited from a range of websites discussing how women narrate to each other:

Points to Ponder:

o You can never stop a man from finding at or admiring someone else woman's beauty. Do you nothing else but feel that someone else woman is more critical as human being than you are naturally because of her corporal appearance?

o You are more than your corporal body. What talents, gifts or skills do you have to conduce to society?

o You can not operate what other habitancy think of you. Once you truly accept the truth that you have no operate over other people's thoughts about who you are or how you should live your life; you will be free to design your own life from the inside out.

o You can never compete with anyone but yourself.

o The only man who you can operate is yourself...period.

o Whatever you seek in other habitancy design in yourself. You don't need to marry a doctor; become a doctor.

o You are the most leading man in the world who must believe, reply and recognize your own authentic and unique beauty. Why should anyone love and respect you more than you love and respect yourself.

Why Women Hate Other Women

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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ความสุขของเธอ กลายเป็นความสุขของฉัน
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Feminine Hygiene - Vagina condition & Smell

The vagina, similar to our mouth, is commonly inhabited by a multitude of little organisms.

The vagina's acidic environment prevents one species overpowering another, and inhibits infection. A wholesome vagina certainly smells quite sweet and pleasant.


Yet the turn that occurs with any vaginal infection changes the smell immediately, and thus one can partially judge a vagina's state of condition by its smell.

Feminine Hygiene - Vagina condition & Smell

It should be noted that both the smell of a vagina and its being infected are directly linked to a woman's lifestyle, her weight, and diet.

Some basic rules on Feminine Hygiene can both forestall infections and insure a sweet smelling vagina as well.


o Because infectious agents such as bacteria and yeasts are found in the intestine, after defecation a woman must wipe herself from front to back vaginal area first, rectum after.

A bidet or immediate wash of the anus is also advised, with a rinse of the vulva with warm water.

o Washing also the genital area often with a special ph balanced soap is also essential, and especially after each urination

o Vaginal irrigation is not considerable as it commonly disturbs the acid environment, and can allow yeast, for example, to flourish.

o Women should discourage vaginal and anal intercourse alternation while the same session.

Once a man's penis or any object has entered the anus, it must not be allowed back in the vagina without disinfection.


o Tight jeans and clothing look great, but they forestall the normal breathing function of the skin and especially an area like the vulva. This concluded in consequent will furnish an unpleasant smell

o For the same reason, woman is recommended not to wear panties while sleep.

o Use of artificial materials in clothing will also react with the bacteria on the skin, and the bacteria's waste stock leaves a particularly unpleasant smell, so wear only 100% pure cotton or silk panties a majority of the time.

o If you use tampons, turn them very often. Left too long in a vagina, the tampon itself will be a major cause of order and even infection.


It has been shown that diet can work on directly the smell of the vagina. Eating less meat and meat products, and more fruit and vegetables have a very good consequent on vaginal odor. Also, you must drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Sexual Conduct

o The use of prophylactics (condoms) is very recommended for all couples except those that are very familiar. Also if you allow a man to insert either his fingers or toys into your vagina, try to insure both are clean.

Vaginal Infections

This branch is covered in other articles dedicated to this subject, but any of the below can (and does) cause unpleasant vagina odor. In each and every incidence, you must see your gynecologist.

o Bacterial Vaginosis.

This gives the characteristic fishy smell.

o Yeast Infections.

Most women do not see their doctor with yeast infection, and resort to over-the-counter medicines. Symptoms comprise vulvar itching, blush and irritation. Painful intercourse. We advise seeing a gynecologist.

o Trichomoniasis.

This is a sexually transmitted illness with symptoms together with vaginal itching, burning, and discharge. See your gynologist.

A bit of care goes a long way. Your vagina was meant to smell sweetly and as it commonly cleans itself (both monthly and daily) your caution will be rewarded.

Feminine Hygiene - Vagina condition & Smell

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