In simple terms, men and women do not understand each other too well. It's a well known fact. Men like cars. Women like make up. Men drink a beer and watch sport, while women can sit and chat about shoes for hours. Generalisation of course. Profound apologies. Any way there is one area where we men are on solid ground. Men like 'curvy' women. When we say men, we mean All men. Women think that men like 'slim' women, and that 'curvy' means fat. Wow. For a man, talking to a woman about her body and it's shape is like digging your own grave with your tongue. There is no way we can say to our partners 'you have a great curvy body', because she will automatically think we mean she is fat! So we will attempt to expound 'curvy' to women, and set their minds at rest. Men are wholly turned on by a woman's shape. Her shape. Not her size. Not her weight. It's all about the 'hour-glass' shape.
There are some very, very slim women who have even slimmer waists, and therefore fall into the type where their body has the beginnings of the hour glass shape. There are some women who are plainly curvy, like a Beyonce, Shakira, or J-Lo. And some women need a dinky dieting, or practice to find that shape. Men of all ages love to admire an hour glass body. There is something so incredibly sexy about foremost breasts, a slim waist and rounded hips. And commonly the side profile is even better, as most curvy women look as if they are trying to arch their backs, and stick their buttocks out. Awesome. That is what men mean by curvy.
Womens Health Magazine
As long as breasts, waist, and hips are all in proportion, dress size is irrelevant. The only population who are genuinely interested in whether a woman is size 0 or 10, are other women. Men are only interested in the shape of a woman's body. Because the editors of women's magazines are so narrow minded that every singular picture in their slippery pages has to rehearse perfection, normal women who religiously read these pages find faults with themselves. They don't like their hair. Its too dry or too greasy. They don't like their eyes. They can detect fine lines and wrinkles. They don't like their skin. Their hands are too veiny. Their shoulders too broad. Stomach too big. Breasts wrong shape. Legs too short. You get the idea. Who caused all this anxiety? genuinely not men! And ladies, if you take a look straight through the first few pages of your favourite magazine, the editorial staff is roughly exclusively female.
So all the women we know are a dinky obsessed with being slim, or being the definite weight. None seem too involved about their shape. Men want one thing. Women are trying to achieve something entirely different. Men want that slim waist. The rounded hips and buttocks. The shapely breasts. They want it all in proportion. But most men are prepared to love their woman, no matter what shape she is. If she were curvy as well as all things else, that genuinely would put the icing on the cake. One great study in the Usa was eye opening. The mean American woman is 5'4" tall, and size 14. In terms of fashion, modelling, and Hollywood, that is a plus size. Yet, if you ask men "who is the sexiest woman ever?", Marilyn Monroe, who happened to be size 14, comes second to "my wife". Men genuinely think that curvy is beautiful.
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