Tuesday, November 13, 2012

health Benefits of Propolis

Propolis is a natural antibiotic that is fast gaining in popularity in the application of home remedies! It's one of those bee products that easily cause me to wow at the wonder of nature and marvel at the capability of the extremely organised insect - honey bee. Now, let me tell you what exactly propolis is.

Some trees and conifers produce sticky resins as part of their immune theory to defend themselves against disease. Honey bees obtain these substances that ooze from the buds of these plants. After chewing them and mixing them with their saliva and other substances, propolis is formed. This nutrient-rich substance is of vital point for the survival of the honey bees in the beehive. It is created to sterilize the hive and protect it against diseases and infection. Not only does it help to inhibit the spread of bacteria, virus, and fungi that would otherwise pose a essential threat in the closely-knit quarters, it also and help fight against climatic changes, such as wind and cold. It is also used as a "putty" to seal cracks and openings in the hive and to advance and heal honeycombs, and for this think is also known as 'bee glue'. an additional one fact that amazes me is that honey bees also use this sticky substance to embalm or "mummify" the carcasses of larger insects that invade the hive. Such intruders are immediately stung to death but because the defending bees can't converyance such heavy corpse away from the hive, they embalm them rather than allowing them to decay. The aged Eygptians observed this and used propolis as one of the embalming agents for their exquisite mummies!


Propolis contains roughly 50-70% resins, 30% wax, 10% etheric oils and 5% pollen. It is especially rich in amino acids, leading for immune theory function. It has a high vitamin article (Vitamin A (carotene), Vitamin B1, B2, B3, biotin) and is extremely rich in bioflavonoids (Vitamin P) which are believed to have numerous immune construction properties and health benefits. Bioflavonoids are the natural pigments in fruits and vegetables and are found in plenty in oranges. This bee glue contains roughly 500 times more bioflavonoids than is found in oranges! It also contains an array of albumin, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Like Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen, it contains a amount of unidentified compounds which work together synergistically to create a balanced, nutritive substance.

health Benefits of Propolis

Propolis can be purchased fully raw and unprocessed, but it in its natural state is a sticky substance and is very difficult to handle. Some beekeepers will container the raw propolis and frost it in small portions. It can then be added to a coffee polisher in its freezing state and ground for easy consumption. Most producers apply a process where the active ingredients are 'leached' into water or alcohol, then either packaged in liquid form or dried and capsulated.

Because of its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, this high-priced substance has been used as a medical agent for many centuries. It has the capability to contribute protection against infectious invaders, promote medical and regeneration of tissue, and provides a superior source of power and stamina. It has been used as ointments for medical cuts and wounds and shown to have superior value for a wide variety of illnesses. It is also used as a natural alternative to penicillin and other antibiotics. It is said to be particularly safe and productive and inhibits the resistance-building supervene that is a negative factor with prescribe antibiotics. In the old Eastern Bloc countries, antibiotics have never been widely available, but beekeeping is widely practised. To help prevent many diseases, hospitals and clinics recommended washing, gargling or irrigating the sinuses with propolis rinses, as well as taking propolis internally. This bee stock is easily a good weapon against bacteria when used topically. It can clearly prevent infections, and can also help heal infections that have already begun.

Do you know that now even toothpastes contain natural ingredients connected to honey bees. Propolis has become a healthy alternative to synthetic brands of toothpastes as it is especially useful in mouth and gum disorders. Our mouth is one of the most sensitive spots of our body. This is the place where the synesthesia of senses starts and the food we visualize develops its full smell and taste. The mouth is the beginning point of the food digestion. A healthy mouth cavity is easily one of the elements contributing to the appetite and good mood in general. If the mouth develops sore spots, thrush or gum disease, it causes the whole theory to disrupt, resulting in pain and tormenting feeling. Published clinical investigate demonstrates that propolis fights bacteria, prevents tooth decay, enhances oral hygiene, heals bleeding gums, and prevents gums receding. Manufacturers of propolis toothpastes and mouth sprays claim that their products leave teeth clean, gums feeling healthy, taste great without synthetic ingredients, and produce no negative side effects. The salesperson at a honey shop which I often frequent explained that propolis toothpaste are very suitable for young children's use as even if it's accidentally swallowed, it's extremely safe. Such products are easily applied, and have increasingly become part of the daily dental hygiene of citizen who are especially curious in natural remedies. My newest discovery while shopping for honey products : propolis passage now even comes in the form of sprays and candies. The spray claims that it is productive against flu, cuts, burns, gum and mouth infections, throat discomforsts and intestinal discomfort, while the candy is sold as a good therapeutic substitute to the customary throat lozenges and an aid to curing flu, colds, throat discomfort, cough and bad breath.

Note of Caution: Propolis is ordinarily non-toxic, though allergic reactions such as skin rashes, swelling, redness, eczema or fever have been reported. As the effects of propolis while pregnancy and breast-feeding have not been sufficiently evaluated, women should not use it while these times unless directed to do so by a physician.

Source: www.benefits-of-honey.com/propolis.html

health Benefits of Propolis

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